Travel Training

Travel Training

What Is Travel Training?

Travel training allows people to learn to ride and use the public bus system.

It can take many forms and is as individual as the people it serves. It’s one-on-one instruction for a person who would like to use the public transportation system; it’s also group orientation sessions. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions I’m asked about travel training.

Who Is Eligible For Travel Training?

Eligibility is open to almost everyone. You must reside in Schuyler county and be at least 14 years of age or older. Children under 18 years old require parental or caseworker consent.

What type of skills should someone have before travel training?

There are some basic skills the person needs before travel training. First, an awareness of personal space, an understanding of basic orientation and recognition of landmarks, understand acceptable social behavior, and a knowledge of his or her own mobility aides.

What Is The Travel Training Process?

It starts with a conversation. We will talk about what your needs are, what you’d like to gain and how we intend to meet your goal. Travel training can involve a series of steps from one-on-one instructor assistance to gradual fading of trainer assistance, leading to independent travel. Sometimes, travel training is someone to guide you the first time you use the bus and help get you acquainted. Other times it’s more detailed on how to ride a bus, what there is to know, how to prepare and all the little details in-between.

For more information, appointments or referrals, please call 607-535-3555.

Travel Training helped this person increase their independence through the use of public transportation.

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